Our exclusive offer for retailers, stalls and markets
Automatically add 1Kg Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Bean to your shopping cart.
1 kg Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla pods 16/17 cm + 252 glass tubes with aluminum cap, holding 1 to 3 pods (0.60 cts per tube excl. VAT). Tubes are delivered and packaged unbranded.
181.44 € for the Tubes + 205€ TTC for 1 Kg of Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Bean i.e. 386.44€ TTC
Details of the offer:
- 252 Glass tubes (h: 18 cm)
- Box of 252 Aluminium Capsules
- 1 Kg Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla 16/17 cm. Approx. 250 pods +/- 10%.
Delivery in Metropolitan France only. Any request for delivery to a country other than Metropolitan France will be systematically cancelled.
Tube available without Vanilla Bean >here<
Products that will be added:
- Vanilla bean
PROFESSIONNEL – 1kg, 16/17